Thursday, April 9, 2009

post vacation blues

At this time last week I was talking a nice stroll in 80 degree weather to the corner grocer with my best girlfriend for a delicious cafe con leche. Ahhh...

Presently, I'm sitting on my sofa looking at leafless trees, 35 degree weather, drinking my bastardized version of what should be a very fine cup of coffee. Wah!

I miss Key West.

Choppers and I always have such a wonderful time there. And it was extra special this year for a few reasons: 1) our friends from Omaha came with us and we got to introduce them to our little slice of heaven, 2) we got our open water scuba certification, and 3) for once, I didn't gain 5 pounds!

Now, if I could just figure out a way to live there and make money without having to wait tables! Any ideas?

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