Thursday, August 28, 2008

I think I'm going to need a salad...

Off to Omaha, Nebraska, you know, the state where all the cows are corn fed? We're not going to see cows of course. We're going to visit our awesome friends, Mark and Julie, and their three darling kiddies. But as per usual, it's sure to be a meat lovers weekend. Which I must say, I'm semi-excited about now. And I know my hubby - whom I'll lovingly refer to as "Choppers" - is super excited about the Beef Jerky snacks that await him! But I know come Monday I'm going to want to veg out. So in preparation, I laid a solid base tonight with a wonderful salad nicoise (and a might fine KJ Reserve Chard). And upon my return...detox!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I love Rachel Ray

There, I said it. I've fought it for a long time. Especially when one of my nephew's roomates told him I looked like her. Now mind you, this was a few years ago when she was not "daytime talk-show host" polished and always talked out of the side of her mouth, gesturing wildly. I was not happy about this comparison. But now I gaze at her cute short hairstyle on the cover of her very own magazine and think that maybe I should try to look more like Rachel Ray. Will it get me my own cooking show? Adoring fans? Cute dresses?

But I digress. I love RR because once again, her 30 minute recipe did not disappoint. May I be so bold as to say I made a FANTASTIC dinner last night? Hmmm....wish I had leftovers. I'm starving.

Monday, August 25, 2008

do messages matter?

Is it just me or are people NOT returning phone calls these days? Ugh! What's a girl to do??

Saturday, August 23, 2008


From whom do you draw inspiration? A friend, parent, coworker? In the wake of the Olympics, perhaps an athlete? Someone you know, or even someone you don't know well. Regardless, I truly believe we all need someone to inspire us in some way to continue to work towards our goals - whatever they may be.

Today, I was moved, motivated, and definitely inspired by a professional associate. This woman has accomplished soooo much in her business over the last 17 years. Given her humble beginnings and self-imposed limitations, her success is beyond-inspiring. I hope to be just like her "when I grow up". Knowledgeable but a life-long student, gracious, funny but able to be serious, and charitable...with the ability to inspire the same in others. Who inspires and motivates you?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

a very sushi blog...

My friend Kerry suggested I start a blog. So here I am. Blogging. With personal guidance from Madelèn ( An expert blogger herself and clearly, more "with it" than I when it comes to this kind of thing. I suspect I will want to muse about work, wine, and whatever.