I just started "twittering". Or is it, "tweeting"? Oy. Despite my utter confusing with this platform, I am trying to embrace it. I thought it would be an interesting forum to establish some sort of toe-hold as an expert of sorts, as my main focus is for my business. I don't want to use it for blatant product promotion. I want to be able to put out little blips of info on skin care, wellness, makeup tips, etc. that I think would be of interest to most women readers.
Here's what I don't understand about Twitter though. How on earth do people find you? Every day I receive notifications that someone is following me. Which is great! It was especially exciting when I was notified that the author John Maxwell was following me, (I'm SURE he took one look and thought "Wow! I need to know what SHE has to say!" when I showed up on his list of followers). But I have no idea how the others found me. And mind you, I don't know who most of them are. Some appear to be following in the hopes you will then "follow" them, and they can bombard you with weird, spammy messages. Who knows.
Well, any thoughts, tips, or ideas you have would be most helpful as I build my little twitter community. And if I knew how to include a link to send you there now, I would. But I don't. Help.
Outfit Formula: Solid Neutrals
2 days ago
I twitter! www.twitter.com/itsjustkerry
You find people to follow just like you would with blogging -- see who is following people and who they are following. You can also download tweetdeck or twhirl to organize your tweets. Tweetdeck will allow you to cross post to your facebook page. Tweetdeck will also allow you to build in searches (Arbonne maybe?) so you can monitor what others are saying about that subject. You can follow news stations and get real time news -- sometimes faster than you would on TV. The amount of information that comes across the screen (with TweetDeck) is amazing.
That's twitter 101.1! I have my tweets protected but I'll look for your request to follow :) what's your twitter handle?
P.S. I screwed up on my June Arbonne order :(
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