Sunday, January 31, 2010

the new pitchman?

Is anyone else sick of seeing Brooke Shields pitching everything on TV? Toothpaste commercials, eyelash commercials...where does it end? Ugh!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

frozen in time

So, one of my nephews came to visit us this past weekend. What a sweetheart. Just graduated from college and came to hang out with his Aunt and Uncle. Although he is in his early twenties, I think I will always think of him as 5. I mean, look at this kid:

Could he be any cuter?! I know it drives my husband crazy, but seriously, this is how I see him. And I think it's what makes me so protective of him. I don't have any children of my own, but I can only imagine that you parents out there experience the same kind of freeze in the time/space continuum! I wonder if I'll ever move past it?

Friday, January 15, 2010


News flash. I haven't been posting here. I started another blog more work-related ( Plus, I wasn't feeling all that creative. Not when compared to the fabulous blogs I follow (over there, on the right). But I miss lipstick and chardonnay. So, who knows. I see that my profile has changed to reflect that from my other blog - so it probably doesn't make sense in this format, but I don't know how to separate the two. Hmmm...any ideas?

Anyway, I am back in training. A 25k run on May 8. Intimidating? Yes. Can it be done? Of course. Time to hit the treadmill.